This project started as an interest of adding more challenge and variation to the current Doom eternal game. Initially I wanted a way to just spawn enemies at will. After connecting with the (Doom Eternal) modding community and looking at a tool (cheat engine script) that allowed viewing all the current active encounters in the…

This project started as a single purpose 2D space shooter game. I based the development of this game on a previous architecture and reused code from previous projects as much as I could. The game got interest from my friends and they encouraged me to continue working on it. At one point, I temporarily teamed…

Unfinished unofficial Mortal Kombat clone and pun at MK5 and MKV(assili). As a logical extension of the SSF viewer I spent some time developing tools and learning about how fighting games are programmed. My intention was to create a fusion project that would be as precise to play as Street Fighter 4, but with the…

MSX Sound Player
As part of investigating the SSF (Mortal Kombat Armageddon package format) I also wanted to be able to dump sounds and music. After writing a loader, I thought it would be a cool stretch goal to add a UI and an Xaudio output backend. As all of the resources are stored in a native format…

SSF Viewer (Mortal Kombat Armageddon art viewer)
I have taken the time to inspect and understand the binary format of the SSF file. The SSF format stores its content (textures, geometry and animations) in the native platforms format. Therefore different approaches are required to view SSF formats from different platforms. This viewer only works with the Wii file format. Below is an…

Visualizer for signal streams. Originally written to graph data from a portable o-scope. With this application it is possible to generate signal streams, manipulate the generators and do math operations.

Presentation Flyer (3D picture transitions)
The presentation flyer was originally built for the final presentation I had to do for my Bachelor degree. This presentation flyer offers 3D transitions for slides or pictures (it can also be used as a picture viewer). Transistions consist out of a flying camera which allows the reading/viewing of texture mapped textures on a mesh…

This multiplayer action game combines first person shooter with semi-free flight. The main goal is to create a fast-paced action/arcade game which is fun to play and addictive. Below are a few screenshots of the concept demo while developing. TwyFlight has not reached any playable phase yet, but there is a concept demo of TwyFlight…

Minigame involving a fully interactive rubic’s cube in 3D. Click new game to scramble the cube and stop it from rotating. Then click and rotate the cube into the full solution. There is a solution guideline in the top right corner of the screen. When all hope is lost click “Give up” to reset the…

This is a multiplayer typing game, players score by typing words. Longer words are rewarded with higher score. All players receive 7 different letters, by combining these letters they must form words of at least 3 letters. Every round has a 90 second time limit. The player with most points wins.

QuatroAI: Dots and Boxes (Kamertje verhuren)
For my AI class I had to write a “Dots and Boxes” AI. The assignment only required handling input and being able to play the game. However I wanted to do something extra and incorporate graphics. Therefore I had written a GDI based UI which helped me learn more about the low level windows API…

Particle Physics (quick rendering demo)
I’ve created this demo to demonstrate how water-drops will collide with a few spheres in 3D space. It’s possible to slow down time for a ‘BulletTime’ like effect. I quickly realized that creating time stable physics is hard and therefore the demo is entirely frame based. Visualization was done through OpenGL. Controls: Hold Space: accelerate…

Teleboot project
A second year assignment at my polytechnic university was to build a remote controlled boat, together with students from other engineering disciplines at the university that we had never worked with before. This included electrical engineering, embedded engineering and mechanical engineering. The goal was to create a fully working remote controlled boat from scratch after…

The original idea was to combine an action game with a math game. Each player is a number in space and is able to throw operators at other players. When an operator hits a player the number of the instigating player will have an effect on the player that has been hit. For a player…

Containing (Rotterdam harbor simulator)
Containing was a second year project at my polytechnic university, the assignment was to simulate the logistics process of the Rotterdam harbor, and visualize it on screen. Big freighter ships arrive at the Rotterdam harbor, packed with 20ft containers, these containers need to be distributed onto trucks which will deliver the containers to their final…

Bandoleren (Packaging program)
This was an optional first year project at the Polytechnic University of Leeuwarden (NHL). The idea was to create an algorithm that would optimally pack smaller boxes into a big box. The algorithm should pack the boxes in an optimal way so the amount of space left unused would be minimal. The algorithm works with…

COSH (Conquer Online Scorp’s hack)
At the end of high-school I decided to skip my prom and focus on creating my own wsock32.dll wrapper which allowed me to intercept data between the Conquer Online client and the Conquer Online server. While initially the data was encrypted I was able to use a live assembly debugger (as I had no symbols)…

Stubborn ICE physics model
In 2004 I participated in a high-school physics tournament where a class mate and I formed a team picked to investigate the “Stubborn Ice” effect. Stubborn ice is the phenomenon that occurs when ice is left to melt in vegetable oil. It then describes an oscillation pattern before it sinks to the bottom of the…

Data Compression essay
This program was written for my “high school year end essay”, in the year 2003. This essay was about the implemention of several common compression algorithms. In addition to this essay my class mate and I created an application that allows combining several of the algorithms in sequence to compress files. The application was coded…

Unreal Tournament Mesh Viewer
As part of an attempt to understand the Unreal Tournament (99) package format, I had written a parser for the .unr package format. The intent of this work was to be used as an importer for a friends gaming engine called iQU. After parsing the data structures and finding where the meshes were located in…